Friday, October 3, 2008

I Have Been Tagged by Leslie H.

I am - a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, compassionate, loyal, sincere, thankful, kind-hearted, tennis player, shy and happy.

I have - a husband who loves me, children that brighten my world, friends who love me for me and a desire to be healthier.

I get frustrated when - people are inconsiderate.

I think - ONE person can always make a difference.

I value - the time that I spend with my family, the sisterhood that I have with my dearest friends, the laughter of children (especially mine), the opportunity that I get to help others and the love of life that I have.

I wish - people would look at the positive in others instead of the negative and that it wouldn't be so hard for me to let my wall down.

I fear - losing a family member and the world that my children live in.

I dislike - gossip, child abuse, when innocent people are hurt by evil people and when someone blows their nose in a restaurant.

I love - my husband, my children, family, being a member of the church, my home, playing tennis, reading, scrapbooking, having girl time with my friends, laughing, white daisies, massages, apple crisp and ice cream, the smell of lavendar, music, the changes of the seasons and the list could go on and on.

NOW I TAG: Leslie E., Kelsie and Brittany


Leslie said...

Yep, that's you in a nutshell! Okay, I did it on mine, too. I'm not IT anymore.

Theresa said...

It was great to read all that about you -- but I could see most of it anyway. I think you're a TERRIFIC person!

Leslie said...

I like what you said about ONE person being enough to make a difference. Sometimes we minimize the difference we can make. Thanks Kristy.

Anonymous said...

Even if you don't let your wall down easy, once you do, you are a loyal and amazing friend.
It's worth the work. wink wink :)